“I’m an Elder Care Professional with years of experience in helping families plan for and deal with their elder care matters. Would you please let me know how I can get listed on ElderCareMatters.com (this wonderful online resource to help families across America plan for and deal with their elder care matters) and what the different pricing options include, including your FREE Membership option?”

Answer:  The more resources (Experts, Information & Answers) families have available to help them with their elder care matters, the better decisions they will be able to make when planning for and dealing with these important elder care matters.

In fact, this Labor Day weekend, my family and I are dealing with Elder Care Matters with my in-laws because my Mother-in-Law has Alzheimer’s Disease with a myriad of other health issues and my Father-in-Law finally made the decision early Sunday morning to admit her to a Skilled Nursing Facility.

My family and I found the help we needed (including finding the Elder Law Attorney whom my Father-in-Law hired from a small South Georgia town) through my contacts with the national ElderCare Matters Alliance, a national network of 1,576 Elder Care Experts who have “teamed up” on ElderCareMatters.com to provide families, such as ours, with the resources that they need to be able to make educated decisions about Elder Care Matters.

The purpose of ElderCareMatters.com is to provide ALL families across America with easy online access to ALL competent, caring Elder Care Experts in America, plus useful, up-to-date Elder Care Information, and answers to their Elder Care Questions.

Although ElderCareMatters.com currently has 1,576 professional members available to help families with their elder care matters, this is not enough. 

So in order to encourage ALL Elder Care Professionals across America to become a part of this online resource, we have decided that we will now offer 3 different Membership options, including a FREE Basic Membership option.

Now, there should be no excuse (including financially) why ALL competent, caring Elder Care Professionals across America should not be listed on  ElderCareMatters.com – America’s #1 online source for Elder Care Experts plus information & answers about a wide range of elder care matters. 

To request an Application for any of our 3 different levels of Professional Membership (Basic, Premium or Lifetime) to the national ElderCare Matters Alliance, send an email directly to: info@ElderCareMatters.com.

Phillip G. Sanders, MBA, MSHA, CPA
Founder, ElderCareMatters.com

(REWRITE) Question of the Day on ElderCareMatters.com: was last modified: January 23rd, 2025 by Phil Sanders