September 13, 2010Estate Administration, Probate Responsibilities of an Executor for an Estate Answer: The executor is the person responsible for admitting the will to probate and winding up the affairs of the estate....
September 2, 2010Estate Planning, Wills Are There Disadvantages to Only Having a Will for Estate Planning Question: I am a Florida resident, 70 years old and currently working on my estate planning. I am wondering whether...
August 26, 2010Home Care Cost of Home Care – Is Financial Assistance Available? Question: Mom needs financial assistance to help with the costs of her home care, and it is my understanding that...
August 18, 2010Medicaid Protect Assets and Medicaid – Getting the Best of Both Worlds Question: I am married, live in Connecticut, and my spouse is in a nursing home. The State is telling me...
July 21, 2010Short QA, Tax Deductions What Medical Expenses Can Be Deducted for a Non-Dependent? "My husband and I will be paying all the medical expenses for my mother who just moved into an assisted...
July 15, 2010VA Surviving Spouse Benefits, Veterans Benefits Spouse of a Deceased Veteran – Am I Entitled to Any Benefits? "My mother lives in an assisted living community and at times money is tight. My father died several years ago...