Question:  “With the high price of nursing home care and assisted living, our family is considering making the necessary modifications to Mom’s home so that she can “age in place” there.  Specifically, what would we need to consider in order to proceed with this elder care housing plan for our mother?”

Answer:  The first step should be to have an assessment done on Mom. This should include the Age In Place Specialist (AIPS), the family members involved, and any doctors or health care professionals that may be needed. This will inform the AIPS if there are any current health issues or if there are progressive or other conditions that require home modifications. The assessment would also tell the AIPS the wants and wishes of the client, along with a time frame for completing the modifications.

Details of the physical structure of the existing home will be needed. If blueprints are not available, the AIPS or contractor should make detailed drawings of  the room sizes and layout.

Determine who the “decision maker” is.  Is it mom, the children, a spouse or a combination?

A budget is important to all parties concerned. Are the modifications being done strictly for health care reasons specifically designed for one person, is it more of a universal design in general that is wanted, and are we trying to upgrade the home at the same time? These factors will help determine what can be done in the budget, and the priorities.

When these steps are completed, specific recommendations can be made about modifying Mom’s home so that she can Age in Place there.


Harry Felsenthal, Certified Aging in Place Specialist
Licensed Contractor, State of Florida
Call Harry Enterprises, Inc.
Lutz, Florida  33549

Considerations to Allow Elders to Age in Place was last modified: January 23rd, 2025 by Phil Sanders