In order to receive the VA Aid and Attendance Pension, the claimant must show that he or she requires the “aid and attendance” of another person in order to perform some of the basic activities of daily living. The medical evidence must be provided by a physician. Additionally, if the claimant resides in a facility, then the facility must also provide a letter stating that the individual resides in the facility because of the need for assistance with the activities of daily living. The VA defines the need for aid and attendance as:

  1. Requiring the aid of another person to perform at least two activities of daily living, such as grooming, transferring, eating, bathing, dressing or toileting;
  2. Being blind or nearly blind; or
  3. Being a patient in a nursing home.

One of the great beauties of the VA pension is that it can be used for any type of home care providers including: in home paid caregivers, personal care homes or assisted living facilities, adult day care or skilled nursing facilities.


Today’s Answer was provided by Kevin Pillion, Esq., of Life Planning Law Firm in Sarasota, Florida. 

How much disability is required for a Claimant to receive the VA Aid and Attendance Pension? was last modified: January 23rd, 2025 by Phil Sanders