Question: “In my opinion, the more Elder Care Resources there are available to help families with their elder care matters the better decisions they will be able to make about this most important issue. My quesion is whether ElderCare Matters (since you are already an established company) would consider financially sponsoring another website, one that would be an alphabetical directory of some of America’s top elder care websites so that families across America could also refer to this resource for additional help with their elder care matters?”
Answer: What a great idea! It is our pleasure to be able to financially sponsor another elder care resource for families across America to use to make better elder care decisions.
In fact, several weeks ago we launched a FREE, secure online elder care resource that includes many of America’s top elder care websites. This is where families can find an alphabetical listing of company websites that have information about a wide range of elder care / senior care services, including Elder Law, Estate Planning, Financial Planning, Daily Money Management, Geriatric Care Management, Home Care, Long Term Care Insurance, Senior Housing, etc.
Feel free to bookmark this online listing of elder care websites, and don’t forget to check back often for additional websites that soon will be listed on an elder care resource that includes many of America’s top elder care websites.
Phillip G. Sanders, MBA, MSHA, CPA
Founder & CEO, ElderCare Matters, LLC
The national ElderCare Matters Alliance