Transitioning an Elderly Parent to an Assisted Living Facility

Transitioning an elderly parent to an assisted living facility, no matter how it’s needed, is never an easy move for elderly parents or the adult children. Many do not want to leave the home they’ve known for years to move into unfamiliar surroundings, especially if they consider it to be a loss of independence. However, most find that by allowing others to take care of some of their daily tasks like cleaning, cooking, and doing laundry, they’ll have more time to enjoy themselves and the company of others living in their community. Below are some ways that you can help ease the transition of an elderly parent to an assisted living facility:

  1. Have a professional assessment. It’s very easy to let emotions take over when considering a transition from a home to an assisted living facility. Healthcare professionals, social workers, and elder law attorneys can help make honest assessments about the level of care your parent needs and whether it’s appropriate for them to stay in their own home or move to an assisted living.
  2. Involve the entire family. While you don’t want to make your parent feel as if they’re being ganged up on and forced to move out of their house, it’s important to reach a consensus with other decision makers in your family. It will be much easier to present a strong case when everyone is on the same page. And, of course, be considerate of your parent’s wishes.
  3. Downsize the home while keeping important items. It’s impossible to keep every possession when you’re moving your parent from an entire house to a room or small apartment. However, make sure to bring all the keepsakes that will make your parent feel at home, as well as any furnishings or furniture that makes sense to move with them.
  4. Visit often and stay involved. Once your parent has moved to the assisted living facility, it’s crucial to maintain contact by visiting often and helping them become adjusted to their new surroundings. You can plan to have frequent meals with them, either at the facility, your home, or a restaurant, if possible, as well as attend any events at the assisted living facility that welcome family members to join.

If you would like to discuss strategies for transitioning your parent from their home to an assisted living facility, or if you’d like to assess your elderly parent’s situation to determine if a move to an assisted living facility could benefit them – contact us.

This article is provided by Dennis J. Toman, CELA, founder of The ElderLaw Firm in Greensboro, North Carolina – one of North Carolina’s TOP Elder Law and Estate Planning Law Firms.  Attorney Toman and his firm are Members of the National ElderCare Matters Alliance and have a Featured Listing on – America’s National Directory of Elder Care / Senior Care Resources for Families.

If you have additional questions about your family’s Elder Care / Senior Care Matters, you can count on (America’s National Directory of Elder Care / Senior Care Resources) to help you find America’s Top Elder Care / Senior Care Professionals.  You can find Local Elder Care / Senior Care Experts by Searching our National Database by City and Service Category.  (This Search feature is located on the homepage of

The Elder Care / Senior Care Experts who are found on can provide you with the help you need in a wide range of Elder Care / Senior Care Services, including Elder Law, Estate Planning, Home Care, Assisted Living, Care Management, Daily Money Management, Senior Living, Investment Advisory Services, Tax & Accounting Services, Wills & Trusts, Probate plus many other Elder Care Services.

We look forward to helping you plan for and deal with your family’s Issues of Aging.


Transitioning an Elderly Parent to an Assisted Living Facility was last modified: January 23rd, 2025 by Dennis Toman