A Supplemental Needs Trust, sometimes called a Special Needs Trust is created to ensure that beneficiaries who are disabled or mentally ill can enjoy the use of property, which is intended to be held for their benefit. In addition to personal planning reasons for such a trust, such as the person lacks the capacity to handle their financial affairs, there may be fiscal advantages to the use of this type of trust.

Leaving money to someone who receives essential government benefits can create serious problems. A Special Needs Trust may avoid beneficiaries losing access to such benefits. A Special Needs Trust is most often a “stand alone” document, but it can form part of a Last Will and Testament. A Special Needs Trust can be a valuable estate planning and investment tool.

A/Z Health, Trust & Elder Law LLC will help you protect your disabled family member’s eligibility for benefits, to ensure that they have every opportunity for a fulfilled and happy life.

What is a Supplemental Needs Trust? was last modified: April 30th, 2018