September 2, 2011Bill Paying, Daily Money Management, Short QA Dealing Financial Issues When Parent go to Assisted Living Question: My Dad was placed in a assisted living home 3 weeks ago, my mom now lives with me. Two...
August 22, 2011Investments, Trusts Responsibility of Trustee Managing Trusts with Investments Question: I’m the trustee on my parent’s trust. Parts of the trust’s assets are held in the stock market. With...
July 21, 2011Daily Money Management, Financial Planning Some Advice About Personal Budgeting and Bill Paying for Parents Question: Help! We need some advice about personal budgeting and bill paying for my parents, who are in their early 70’s. My...
June 22, 2011Investments, Short QA Are 401(k)’s Really a Good Investment? "Twice in the last decade I have watched my 401(k) lose almost one-half of its value. That doesn’t sound like...
June 21, 2011Investments, Short QA Dividend Paying Stocks for People Starting to Plan for Retirement Many of the companies that you want to own have Dividend Reinvestment Plans (DRIPs) in which you can accumulate shares...
June 10, 2011Investments What to Do if Broker is Making Unauthorized Trades on Account Question: My 90 year old aunt has Alzheimer’s and was recently moved into an Assisted Living Community. While moving her...