March 6, 2018Medicaid, Short QA Medicaid Question Answered by Michigan Attorney Sanford Mall, CELA Question: My mother put the deed to her house in my name as some security for my future and also because...
January 5, 2018Elder Law, Medicaid Three Reasons Why Giving Your House To Your Children Isn’t The Best Way To Protect It From Medicaid You may be afraid of losing your home if you have to enter a nursing home and apply for Medicaid....
January 3, 2018Elder Law, Medicaid What is Life Care Planning? Life Care Planning is a specialty within elder law emerging around the country that takes a holistic view of every...
December 18, 2017Applying for Medicaid Benefits, Medicaid Why You Should Retain an Attorney to Prepare a Medicaid Application Many individuals are unaware that if they require long-term care, such care is only covered by Medicare or other primary...
August 30, 2016Medicaid Medicaid: 4 Spousal Refusal Risks In the current environment of budget deficits, and the mandate handed down by the State to the Counties to pursue...
May 18, 2016Health Care Power of Attorney, Medicaid Medicaid Planning: The Importance of a Well Drafted Power of Attorney Medicaid Planning This is a recent Pennsylvania Superior Court case that highlights how important a power of attorney can be...