January 22, 2014Gifting, Gifting Assets, Short QA Will Gifts Given Over a Lifetime Preclude a Senior From Receiving Medicaid Benefits? Question: Will the Fact that Dad has given gifts to his children over his lifetime preclude him from receiving Medicaid...
January 14, 2014Probate, Short QA What Exactly is Probate Files? Probate is the court proceeding to transfer a dead person's assets to the people who are supposed to get them....
December 4, 2013Elder Care, Short QA How to Plan for the Cost of Our Future Elder Care Needs? Question: We are scared about getting Old! How would we go about planning for the cost of our future elder...
November 7, 2013Short QA, Veterans Benefits VA Countable Resources – What Resources are Countable? This is a one of the most confusing terms in the VA benefit area. There are numerous sources that give...
August 14, 2013Short QA, Wills What is the Difference Between a Will and a Living Will? A will deals with assets, whereas a living will deals with medical care. Many States have done away with the...
June 6, 2012Guardianship, Short QA Will Florida Let a New Guardian to Move a Ward to Another State? Question: Is it really true that Florida will not permit a newly appointed Guardian (of the person and property) to...