July 17, 2019Elder Law, Estate Planning, Medicaid, Medicare 3 Reasons You Should Consider an Elder Care Law Attorney It is a fact that as one progresses in age, legal concerns become a bit more complicated than those that...
December 7, 2018Veterans Benefits When It Comes to Veteran’s Benefits DIY Doesn’t Work As you might expect, there are several benefits available to assist wounded or disabled Veterans. But unbeknownst to many, there...
January 3, 2018Elder Law, Medicaid What is Life Care Planning? Life Care Planning is a specialty within elder law emerging around the country that takes a holistic view of every...
January 12, 2016Joint Tenancy Should I Put All of My Assets in Joint Tenancy? Should I put all of my assets in joint tenancy? The answer is No! There are times when titling a...
December 14, 2015Asset Protection Top 10 Asset Protection Mistakes List of the Top 10 Asset Protection Mistakes 1. Relying solely on a will or a living trust A Will...
November 15, 2015Probate What is Probate proceeding? What Is Probate, Anyway? Probate is the court proceeding to transfer a dead person's assets to the people who are...