September 6, 2019Financial Planning, Retirement Planning After Death, A Final Retirement Account Distribution Must Be Made Federal law requires that beginning on April 1 of the year after you reach age 70 1/2, you must begin...
December 10, 2018Financial Planning The 5 Phases of Effective Retirement Planning Without question, the core strategy to succeed in having enough for retirement is living well within your means. Keep in...
August 30, 2016IRA IRS Now Allows IRA Distribution Deferrals : Required minimum distributions from retirement accounts such as IRAs and 401Ks have been problematic for many seniors who do not...
December 9, 2014IRA, Trust Beneficiaries Should You Name a Trust as Beneficiary of Your IRA? Should you name a Trust as Beneficiary of your Individual Retirement Account (IRA)? Some of us are lucky enough to...
June 13, 2013IRA Decisions About Inheriting an IRA account Question: "My husband died earlier this year and had a large amount of money in his Individual Retirement Account (IRA)....
November 28, 2011Medicaid Annuitizing an IRA for Georgia Medicaid – Why is this Necessary? Question: We are applying for Georgia Medicaid benefits for my mother who is 81 years old and has Alzheimer’s disease....