July 11, 2011Elder Law The Internet and Elder Law The Internet and Elder Law In the words of Charles Dickens, “it is best of times, and the worst of...
July 6, 2011Power of Attorney, Short QA Health Care Proxy Document Redrafted After Moving States? Generally, a POA or Health Care Proxy does not necessarily need to be redone simply because your mother moved to...
July 5, 2011Power of Attorney Should I Get a Power of Attorney From an Online Site? A power of attorney is one of the most important documents that you can execute. It allows you to appoint...
April 27, 2011Estate Planning Where to Keep Your Important Legal Documents Question: For how long and where should I keep all my original legal documents, including my original will? I’ve heard...
February 26, 2011Estate Planning Do Estate Planning Documents Need to be Re-Executed After Moving States? Question: My parents had their wills, POA, Health Care POA, and trust set up in Missouri. They have since moved...
February 25, 2011Trusts, Wills Trust and Pourover estate plan Created in Florida from New York? With very few exceptions, a Will or a trust that is valid in the State in which it is created...