August 3, 2011Medicaid, Short QA Income Annuities and Medicaid – Can a Trust be the Beneficiary? Question: Husband and wife are both 85 and live in Massachusetts. Wife has early stages of Alzheimer's (possible Nursing Home...
May 27, 2011Medicaid, Short QA Medicaid Income and Resource Levels – Are They Same in States? Question: Please tell me what this year's income and resource levels are for Medicaid. Are these #s the same in every...
May 26, 2011Medicaid, Short QA Income Earning Annuities and Medicaid – Will It Impact to Qualify? Question: My mother owns small annuities, around $15,000. It is generating a small amount of income and, along with a...
June 23, 2010Medicaid, Medicaid Look Back Period, Short QA Pay for Grandchild Tuition “Gifting” in Medicaids Look Back Period? "If a grandparent pays tuition for a grandchild is that considered “gifting” and included in the look back period for...