July 10, 2019Elder Law, Estate Planning What Makes a Will Valid? Movies, television, and books like to present wills in dramatic ways--handwritten notes, videos, deathbed utterances--but what actually makes a will...
June 4, 2019Elder Law, Medicaid Medicaid planning: Beware of the look-back period before applying As a person ages, their medical care needs might increase. This comes at a time when their income might be...
May 15, 2019Elder Law, Medicaid Qualifying for Medicaid and Protecting the Family Home Protecting the family home is one of the biggest issues that people worry about when discussing Medicaid eligibility. Let's look...
May 7, 2019Elder Law, Estate Planning, Medicaid Transfer of assets was not made for Medicaid purposes The cost of nursing home and home care can be prohibitive for people who do not have long-term care insurance....
April 25, 2019Medicaid Effect of Spouse’s 401(k) on Medicaid Eligibility and Recovery Medicaid is a jointly funded, Federal and State program which offers broad medical services to individuals who are blind, aged...
January 4, 2019Estate Planning, Medicaid How long should you keep important documents? Clients often ask us which documents, records, and papers they need to keep in their homes. When determining which documents...