December 3, 2015Aid & Attendence Benefits, Veterans Administration What is the VA Aid and Attendance Pension Benefit? What is the VA Aid and Attendance Pension Benefit? If you or your spouse are a qualified war veteran, one...
February 20, 2015Filing for VA Benefits, Short QA Who Can Help You File for VA Benefits? This is Something ALL Veterans “MUST KNOW” My Assisted Living Community referred me to someone who "helps" Veterans with disability claims. Can I use them to file for...
January 8, 2015Veterans Administration What Kind of Planning Is Needed to Qualify for Veterans Benefits? One of the benefits of serving in the military is the potential ability to collect retirement benefits from the Veterans...
November 7, 2014Veterans Benefits 9 Questions and Answers about VA Benefits Question: Is Pension the only VA Disability Benefit? Answer: No. Absolutely not! In fact the Non-Service Connected Disability Pension (since...
December 9, 2013Veterans Benefits What Long Term Care Benefits Does the VA Pay for? The VA has a benefit called the Veteran’s Improved Pension, commonly known as the VA Aid & Attendance Benefit. In...
November 7, 2013Short QA, Veterans Benefits VA Countable Resources – What Resources are Countable? This is a one of the most confusing terms in the VA benefit area. There are numerous sources that give...