November 21, 2010Filing for VA Benefits, Veterans Benefits Who Can Help Veterans (and Spouses) Completing VA Benefits? My mother, who is 81 years old, lives in an assisted living community and was married for 50+ years. My...
November 10, 2010Medicaid, Medicare, Short QA Does Medicare Cover Nursing Home Care? Answer: Medicaid is a program for medical-care coverage to the indigent. Eligibility for Medicaid is determined based upon the assets...
September 30, 2010Long Term Care Long-Term Care – What is it, and Why is it Important? Long-term care are those services which help meet both the medical and non-medical need of people with a chronic illness or disability...
September 15, 2010Medicaid, Medicare, Short QA Medicaid vs Medicare – What is the Difference? Answer: Medicaid is a program for medicare coverage to the indigent. Eligibility for Medicaid is determined based upon the assets...
September 13, 2010Estate Administration, Probate Responsibilities of an Executor for an Estate Answer: The executor is the person responsible for admitting the will to probate and winding up the affairs of the estate....
September 2, 2010Estate Planning, Wills Are There Disadvantages to Only Having a Will for Estate Planning Question: I am a Florida resident, 70 years old and currently working on my estate planning. I am wondering whether...