May 16, 2020Arbitration Agreements, Elder Law Protecting Your Rights and Holding Nursing Homes Accountable Do I Have to Sign a Nursing Home Arbitration Agreement in Florida? The short answer is “no”. A nursing home...
May 4, 2020Elder Law What Does It Mean to Be an Elder Law Attorney? As we age, changes to our body, our health, our financial picture, and our family is ever-evolving. When we were...
May 2, 2020Elder Law, Estate Planning, Home Care, Senior Housing AMERICA’S DIRECTORY OF ELDER CARE / SENIOR CARE RESOURCES America's National Directory of Elder Care / Senior Care Resources If you need help in planning for or dealing...
April 24, 2020Elder Law, Estate Planning, Home Care, Senior Housing AMERICA’S DIRECTORY OF ELDER CARE / SENIOR CARE RESOURCES America's National Directory of Elder Care / Senior Care Resources If you need help in planning for or dealing...
April 23, 2020COVID-19, Elder Law, Estate Planning Wills & Estate Plans Are More Necessary Than Ever During Covid-19 When the reality of the coronavirus Covid-19 initially began to sink in, people everywhere rushed out to buy toilet paper,...
April 21, 2020Elder Law, Estate Planning, Retirement Planning RETIREMENT PLANNING HELP FOR SENIORS As older adults transition from employment to retirement and settle into new routines, there are many different things to think...