August 6, 2019Elder Law, Medicaid ARE MY NURSING HOME EXPENSES COVERED BY MEDICAID? For many people, Medicaid may carry a certain stigma. They often believe that it is only for those who are poor...
July 17, 2019Elder Law, Estate Planning, Medicaid, Medicare 3 Reasons You Should Consider an Elder Care Law Attorney It is a fact that as one progresses in age, legal concerns become a bit more complicated than those that...
July 16, 2019Elder Law, Medicaid, Veterans Benefits Annuities and Their Impact on Qualifying for Medicaid and VA Benefits Annuities are a complicated subject and even more so when it comes to their effect on the Medicaid or VA...
July 11, 2019Elder Law, Guardianship Guardianships & Conservatorships and How to Avoid Them If a person becomes mentally or physically handicapped and can no longer make rational decisions about their person or their...
July 10, 2019Elder Law, Estate Planning What Makes a Will Valid? Movies, television, and books like to present wills in dramatic ways--handwritten notes, videos, deathbed utterances--but what actually makes a will...
June 12, 2019Elder Law, Medicaid Planning, Senior Living Are Adult Children Liable For Their Parents’ Long Term Care Debt? Have you ever heard of state “filial responsibility” laws? Although rarely enforced, 29 different states have laws that require children...