January 2, 2019Elder Law Houston Elder Law Attorney – One of our 500 experts available to help you with Elder Care Matters Houston Elder Law Attorney - One of our 500 experts available to help you with Elder Care Matters Serving Greater...
December 17, 2018Elder Law Making Decisions About End of Life Medical Treatment While advances in medicine allow people to live longer, questions are often raised about life-sustaining treatment terminally ill patients may...
December 17, 2018Care Management, Elder Law Baby Boomers Caring for Aging Parents and Children Baby boomers are classified as a group of people born between the years of 1946 and 1964. As many as...
December 14, 2018Elder Law How to Deal with the High Cost of Aging Sadly Aging Happens! And, change is a part of the aging process. Changes in eyesight, hearing, bone density, the brain...
December 13, 2018Elder Law, Estate Planning The Importance of Incapacity Planning for You and Your Family Many people understand the importance of developing a comprehensive estate plan for the purpose of administering their assets upon their...
December 6, 2018Elder Law MEDICARE OPEN ENROLLMENT ENDS TOMORROW– SHOULD YOU CHANGE YOUR MEDICARE PLAN? Individuals who obtain health insurance coverage through Medicare may change their 2019 plan selection from October 15, 2018, to December 7,...